Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#6097 closed defect (fixed)

BUG: py-xar 20050605 fails to build

Reported by: g3zi7y.wu72nfp@… Owned by: mww@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc: markd@…



py-xar 20050605 fails to build.

the error log can be found here: ATTACHED

Here are some additional infos about my operating system, the port version, and the installed ports.

My-Computer:~ wu$ uname -a Darwin My-Computer.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root: xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc

My-Computer:~ wu$ port version Version: 1.200

My-Computer:~ wu$ port installed The following ports are currently installed:

aalib @1.4rc5_2 (active) agrep @2.04_0 apache2 @2.0.55_1+darwin_7 apache2 @2.2.0_0+darwin_7 (active) AppKiDo @0.91_0 (active) apr @0.9.7_0 apr @1.2.2_0 (active) apr-util @0.9.7_0 apr-util @1.2.2_0 (active) aquaterm @1.0.b2_1 (active) aspell @0.60.2_2 (active) atk @1.10.3_0 (active) audiofile @0.2.6_0 (active) autobook @1.4_0 (active) autoconf @2.59_0 (active) automake @1.9.6_0 (active) bash @3.0.016_0 (active) bison @2.1_0 (active) boehmgc @6.6_0 (active) bug-buddy @2.12.0_0 (active) bzip2 @1.0.3_0 (active) cairo @1.0.2_0 (active) cdrtools @2.01_1 (active) Chmox @0.3_0 (active) CocoaDialog @1.2.0_0 (active) contacts @1.1_0 cscope @15.5_0 (active) cups-headers @1.1.15_0 (active) curl @7.15.0_0 curl @7.15.1_0 (active) cvs @1.11.21_0 (active) cvsdelta @1.6.5_0 (active) cvsdiff2patch @1.0.1_0 (active) cvslock @0.2_0 (active) DarwinPortsStartup @1.1_0 (active) db4 @4.3.28_0+darwin_7 (active) dd_rescue @1.10_0 (active) ddrescue @1.0_0 (active) desktop-file-utils @0.10_0 (active) docbook-xml @4.3_0 (active) docbook-xml-scrollkeeper @4.2_0 (active) docbook-xsl @1.69.1_0 (active) dosbox @0.63_0 dosbox @0.63_1 (active) dvdrtools @0.2.1_0 emacs-devel @ (active) esound @0.2.35_1 (active) expat @1.95.8_1 (active) faad2 @2.0_0 (active) fcron @2.9.6_0 (active) fftw @2.1.5_2 (active) flac @1.1.2_0 (active) flex @2.5.31_0 (active) fontconfig @2.3.2_0 (active) fontforge @20041218_0 fontforge @20050502_0 (active) freetype @2.1.9_1 (active) gail @1.8.5_0 gail @1.8.8_0 (active) gcc34 @3.4.4_0 (active) gcc40 @4.0.2_0+darwin_7 (active) gconf @2.12.0_0+darwin_7 gconf @2.12.1_0+darwin_7 (active) gd2 @2.0.33_2 (active) gettext @0.14.5_0 (active) ghostscript @8.51_0 (active) gimp-print @4.2.7_0 (active) gimp2 @2.2.8_0+darwin_powerpc gimp2 @2.2.9_0+darwin_powerpc (active) glib1 @1.2.10_4 (active) glib2 @2.8.3_0 glib2 @2.8.4_0 (active) glibmm @2.6.1_0 glibmm @2.8.2_0 (active) glimpse @4.18.0_0 (active) gmp @4.1.4_2+test (active) gnats @4.1.0_0 (active) gnome-desktop @2.12.0_0 (active) gnome-doc-utils @0.4.0_0 (active) gnome-icon-theme @2.12.0_0 (active) gnome-keyring @0.4.4_0 (active) gnome-menus @2.12.0_0 (active) gnome-mime-data @2.4.2_0 (active) gnome-session @2.12.0_0 (active) gnome-vfs @ (active) gnuchess @5.07_0 (active) gnughostscript @7.07_0 gnupg @1.4.2_0 (active) gnuplot @4.0.0_1 (active) gnuregex @0.12_2 (active) gocr @0.37_0 (active) gplghostscript @8.15_1 graphviz @2.6_0+darwin_7 (active) grep @2.5.1_0 (active) gsed @4.1.4_1 (active) gsl @1.6_0 gsl @1.7_0+darwin_7 (active) gtk1 @1.2.10_6 (active) gtk2 @2.8.4_0 gtk2 @2.8.9_0 (active) gtkmm @2.6.3_0 gtkmm @2.8.1_0 (active) hicolor-icon-theme @0.5_0 (active) htdig @3.1.6_0 (active) hyperestraier @0.5.4_0+macosx (active) id3lib @3.8.3_0 (active) ImageMagick @6.2.4-3_2 (active) inkscape @0.42_0 (active) interceptty @0.6_0 (active) intltool @0.34.1_0 (active) jasper @1.701.0_0 (active) jpeg @6b_0 jpeg @6b_1 (active) kde @3.4.1_0 (active) kdebase3 @3.4.1_4 (active) kdelibs3 @3.4.1_4 (active) kdenetwork3 @3.4.1_0 (active) kdepim3 @3.4.1_0 (active) kdesdk3 @3.4.1_0 (active) kdeutils3 @3.4.1_0 (active) lame @3.96.1_0 (active) lcms @1.14_0 lcms @1.14_1 (active) libao @0.8.6_1 (active) libart_lgpl @2.3.17_0 (active) libassuan @0.6.10_0 (active) libbonobo @2.10.1_0 (active) libbonoboui @2.10.1_0 (active) libexif @0.6.12_0 (active) libgcrypt @1.2.2_0 (active) libglade2 @2.5.1_1 (active) libgnome @ (active) libgnomecanvas @2.12.0_0 (active) libgnomecups @0.2.2_0 (active) libgnomeprint @2.12.1_0 (active) libgnomeprintui @2.12.1_0 (active) libgnomeui @2.12.0_0 (active) libgpg-error @1.1_0 (active) libiconv @1.10_1+darwin_7 (active) libid3tag @0.15.1b_0 (active) libidl @0.8.6_0 (active) libidn @0.6.0_0 (active) libksba @0.9.12_0 (active) libmad @0.15.1b_0 (active) libmcrypt @2.5.7_2 (active) libmikmod @3.1.11a_0 (active) libmng @1.0.8_0 (active) libogg @1.1.2_0 (active) liboss @0.0.1_0 (active) libpixman @0.1.5_0 (active) libpng @1.2.8_1 libpng @1.2.8_2 (active) librsync @0.9.7_0 (active) libsdl @1.2.8_3 (active) libsdl_image @1.2.4_5 (active) libsdl_mixer @1.2.6_3 (active) libsdl_net @1.2.5_3 (active) libsdl_sound @1.0.1_3 (active) libsdl_ttf @2.0.7_2 (active) libsigc++2 @2.0.16_0 (active) libsndfile @1.0.11_0 (active) libtool @1.5.20_0 (active) libtool-devel @1.9f_0 libungif @4.1.3_0 (active) libusb @0.1.10a_1 (active) libvorbis @1.1.0_0 (active) libwmf @ libwmf @ (active) libxml @1.8.17_0 (active) libxml2 @2.6.22_0 (active) libxslt @1.1.15_0 (active) libzvt @2.0.1_0 (active) lzo @1.08_0 (active) maxwell @0.5.1_0 (active) mod_python @3.1.3_6 mod_python @3.1.4_0 (active) mpfr @2.2.0_2 (active) mpg123 @pre0.59s_0 (active) mpg321 @0.2.10_1 (active) MPlayer @1.0pre7try2_0 (active) netcdf @3.6.0-p1_0 (active) ngrep @1.44_0 (active) ocrad @0.13_0 (active) odcctools @20050308_1 (active) OpenEXR @1.2.1_0 (active) openmotif @2.2.4_1 (active) openssl @0.9.8a_0 (active) orbit2 @2.12.4_0+darwin_7 (active) osx2x @2.2.0_0 (active) p5-x11-protocol @0.53_0 (active) p5-xml-parser @2.34_3 (active) pango @1.10.1_0 (active) pcre @6.4_0 (active) pdflib @6.0.2_0 pdflib @6.0.2_1 (active) perl5.8 @5.8.7_0 (active) pgAdmin3 @1.4.0_0 (active) pkgconfig @0.19_0 pkgconfig @0.20_0 (active) plotutils @2.4.1_2 (active) popt @1.7_4 (active) postgresql8 @8.1.0_0 postgresql8 @8.1.0_0+python postgresql8 @8.1.0_0+python+server postgresql8 @8.1.0_0+server postgresql8 @8.1.0_1 postgresql8 @8.1.1_0 (active) pstoedit @3.40_0 (active) pstotext @1.8g_0 (active) pth @2.0.5_0 (active) py-aem @0.8.0_0 (active) py-ao @0.81_2 (active) py-appscript @0.13.1_0 (active) py-asciidoc @5.0.7_1 (active) py-atox @0.5_1 (active) py-biggles @1.6.4_0 (active) py-biopython @1.30_1 (active) py-bison @0.1.8_0 (active) py-curl @7.15.0_0 (active) py-cxx @5.3.2_0 (active) py-exif @15-FEB-04_1 (active) py-eyed3 @0.6.6_0 (active) py-f2py @2.43.239_1831_0 (active) py-ftputil @2.0.3_0 (active) py-game @1.7.1_0 (active) py-gmpy @1.0alpha_1 (active) py-gnupg @0.3.2_1 (active) py-gnuplot @1.7_0 (active) py-gsl @0.2.0_1 (active) py-importchecker @1.0_1 (active) py-ipy @0.42_1 (active) py-ipython @0.6.15_0 (active) py-levenshtein @0.10.1_0 (active) py-libxml2 @2.6.16_0 (active) py-lint @0.8.0_0 (active) py-logilab-common @0.9.0_0 (active) py-macfile @0.1.0_0 (active) py-mad @0.5.1_2 (active) py-mx @2.0.5_1 (active) py-netdevicelib @0.1_1 (active) py-numarray @1.4.1_0 py-numarray @1.5.0_0 (active) py-numeric @24.1_0+macosx py-numeric @24.2_0+macosx (active) py-ogg @1.3_1 (active) py-optik @1.5_0 (active) py-parsing @1.3.3_0 (active) py-pgsql @2.4_2 (active) py-pil @1.1.5_1 (active) py-plistservices @2_1 (active) py-postgresql-exception @0.2_0 (active) py-postgresql-greentrunk @0.1_0 (active) py-postgresql-layout @0.3_0 (active) py-probstat @0.912_1 (active) py-py2app @0.2_0 (active) py-pyobjc @1.3.7_0 (active) py-pyrex @0.9.3_3 (active) py-rdiff-backup @1.0.2_0 (active) py-readline @2.4.1_0 py-readline @2.4.2_0 (active) py-reportlab @1.20_0 (active) py-scientific @2.4.9_0 (active) py-scipy @0.3.2_3 (active) py-serial @2.1_1 (active) py-setuptools @0.6a8_0 (active) py-sgmlop @1.1.1-20040207_1 (active) py-sip @4.3.2_0 (active) py-texml @1.20_1 (active) py-tiff @0.1.4_1 (active) py-tkinter @2.4.1_0 py-tkinter @2.4.2_0 (active) py-umlgraph @0.1.10_1 (active) py-unum @4.0_0 (active) py-vorbis @1.4_1 (active) py-wxpython @ (active) py-xml @0.8.4_0 (active) py-xmldiff @0.6.6_1 (active) py-xmltramp @2.16_1 (active) python24 @2.4.1_6 python24 @2.4.2_0 (active) qdbm @1.8.33_0+macosx (active) qt3 @3.3.4_4+darwin_7 (active) readline @5.0.005_0 (active) render @0.9_0 (active) rtf2latex2e @1.0fc1_0 (active) samba3 @3.0.20b_0 (active) scrollkeeper @0.3.14_0 (active) sgrep2 @1.92a_0 (active) sleepnow @20040616_0 (active) smpeg @0.4.4_6 (active) startup-notification @0.8_0 (active) swig @1.3.27_0 (active) tcl @8.4.11_2 (active) TeXShop @2.03_1 (active) tiff @3.7.1_0 tiff @3.7.4_0 (active) tk @8.4.11_3 (active) tk @8.4.11_3+aqua tkcvs @7.2.1_0 (active) viewcvs @0.9.2_0 (active) vorbis-tools @1.0.1_2 (active) wxWidgets @2.6.1_0 (active) xalanc @1.10.0_1 (active) xar @1.3_0 (active) xboard @4.2.6_0 (active) xercesc @2.7.0_0 (active) XFree86 @4.5.0_2 (active) Xft2 @2.1.7_0 (active) xrender @0.9.0_0 (active) zlib @1.2.2_1 zlib @1.2.3_0 (active)

My-Computer:~ wu$

Attachments (1)

terminal2-output-py-xar.txt (7.5 KB) - added by g3zi7y.wu72nfp@… 19 years ago.
debug-messages of build

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 19 years ago by g3zi7y.wu72nfp@…

Attachment: terminal2-output-py-xar.txt added

debug-messages of build

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by blb@…

Cc: mww@… removed
Owner: changed from darwinports-bugs@… to mww@…

Assign to maintainer (instead of just Cc).

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by mww@…

Summary: py-xar 20050605 fails to buildBUG: py-xar 20050605 fails to build

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by markd@…

Cc: markd@… added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fix committed to CVS. Updated to v20051101.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.