Opened 19 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#6104 closed defect (worksforme)

BUG: ddrescue install fails on OS X 10.3.9

Reported by:… Owned by: ecronin (Eric Cronin)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: markd@…, raimue (Rainer Müller)


$ sudo port install ddrescue ---> Fetching ddrescue ---> Verifying checksum(s) for ddrescue ---> Extracting ddrescue ---> Configuring ddrescue ---> Building ddrescue with target all Error: Target returned: shell command "cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/ _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_sysutils_ddrescue/ work/ddrescue-1.0" && make all" returned error 2 Command output: g++ -Wall -W -O2 -c -o block.o g++ -Wall -W -O2 -c -o ddrescue.o In function `const char* format_num(long long int, long long int,

int)': error: llabs' undeclared in namespace std' error: llabs' undeclared in namespace std' error: snprintf' undeclared in namespace std' make: * [ddrescue.o] Error 1

Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Status 1 encountered during processing.

I found this website that talks about a fix, but I'm not a developer and would mess up more than I fixed:

Here is some of my system's information:

$ uname -a Darwin finfitosx.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/ xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc

$ port installed The following ports are currently installed:

analog @6.0_0 (active) apache2 @2.0.53_1 apache2 @2.0.54_2+darwin_7 (active) apinger @0.6.1_0 (active) apr @0.9.6_0 apr @0.9.6_1 (active) apr-util @0.9.6_0 apr-util @0.9.6_1 (active) atk @1.9.0_0 atk @1.9.1_0 (active) audiofile @0.2.6_0 (active) autoconf @2.59_0 (active) automake @1.9.5_0 (active) cclient @2004g_0 (active) coreutils @5.2.1_3 coreutils @5.2.1_4 curl @7.14.1_0 curl @7.15.0_0 (active) daemontools @0.76_1 (active) DarwinPortsStartup @1.1_0 (active) db4 @4.2.52_0+darwin_7 (active) db4 @4.3.28_0+darwin_7 dcfldd @1.0_0 (active) dd_rescue @1.10_0 (active) desktop-file-utils @0.8_0 (active) dhcping @1.2_0 (active) dia @0.93_0 dia @0.94_0 (active) djbdns @1.05_0 (active) dnstracer @1.7_0 dnstracer @1.8_0 (active) docbook-xml-scrollkeeper @4.2_0 (active) docbook-xsl @1.67.0_0 (active) esound @0.2.34_0 esound @0.2.35_1 (active) etherape @0.9.0_1 (active) ethereal @0.10.10_0 ethereal @0.10.11_0 ethereal @0.10.12_1 ethereal @0.10.12_2+darwin_7 ethereal @0.10.13_0+darwin_7 (active) ettercap @0.6.b_1+gtk+ssl ettercap-ng @0.7.1_0 ettercap-ng @0.7.1_0+gtk ettercap-ng @0.7.3_0 (active) expat @1.95.8_1 (active) fetchmail @6.2.5_2 (active) fontconfig @2.2.3_1 fontconfig @2.3.2_0 (active) fping @2.4b2_to_0 (active) freetype @2.1.9_1 (active) gawk @3.1.5_1 (active) gconf @2.10.0_0+darwin_7 (active) gconf @2.8.1_0+darwin_7 gd2 @2.0.33_2 (active) gettext @0.14.1_2 gettext @0.14.3_1 gettext @0.14.5_0 (active) ghostscript @8.51_0 (active) glib1 @1.2.10_4 (active) glib2 @2.6.0_0 glib2 @2.6.2_1 glib2 @2.6.4_1 glib2 @2.6.5_0 (active) gmake @3.80_1 (active) gnome-icon-theme @2.8.0_0 (active) gnome-keyring @0.4.0_0 (active) gnome-mime-data @2.4.2_0 (active) gnome-vfs @2.10.0_0 (active) gnome-vfs @2.8.2_1+darwin_7 gnuregex @0.12_2 (active) gsed @4.1.4_1 (active) gtk1 @1.2.10_6 (active) gtk2 @2.6.0_2 gtk2 @2.6.7_0 gtk2 @2.6.7_1 gtk2 @2.6.8_0 (active) hexedit @1.2.10_0 (active) hicolor-icon-theme @0.5_0 (active) hping2 @rc3_1 (active) hydra @4.6_0 hydra @5.0_0 (active) intltool @0.32.1_0 intltool @0.33_0 (active) jpeg @6b_0 jpeg @6b_1 (active) libart_lgpl @2.3.16_0 (active) libbonobo @2.8.0_0 libbonobo @2.8.1_0 (active) libbonoboui @2.8.0_0 (active) libglade2 @2.4.0_1 (active) libgnome @2.10.0_0 (active) libgnome @2.8.0_0 libgnomecanvas @2.8.0_0 (active) libgnomeui @2.8.0_0 (active) libiconv @1.9.2_1 (active) libidl @0.8.4_0 libidl @0.8.5_0 (active) libmcrypt @2.5.7_2 (active) libnasl @2.2.2a_0 libnasl @2.2.4_0 (active) libnet @1.0.2a_3 (active) libnet11 @ libnids @1.20_0 (active) libpcap @0.8.3_3 libpcap @0.9.3_0 libpcap @0.9.4_0 (active) libpng @1.2.8_0 libpng @1.2.8_1 libpng @1.2.8_2 (active) libtool @1.5.16_0 libtool @1.5.18_0 libtool @1.5.20_0 (active) libxml2 @2.6.16_0 libxml2 @2.6.22_0 (active) libxslt @1.1.12_0 libxslt @1.1.15_0 (active) lzo @1.08_0 (active) mhash @0.9.2_0 (active) mutt @ (active) mysql4 @4.1.12_1+darwin_7 (active) nano @1.2.4_0 nano @1.2.5_0 (active) neon @0.24.7_0 (active) nessus-core @2.2.2a_0 nessus-core @2.2.4_0 nessus-core @2.2.4_1 (active) nessus-libraries @2.2.2a_0 nessus-libraries @2.2.4_0 (active) nessus-plugins @2.2.4_0 (active) netcat @1.10_2 (active) ngrep @1.44_0 (active) nmap @3.81_0 nmap @3.93_0 (active) nsping @0.8_3 (active) openssl @0.9.7e_0 openssl @0.9.7g_0 openssl @0.9.8_0 openssl @0.9.8_1 (active) openvpn2 @2.0.1_0 openvpn2 @2.0.4_0 (active) openvpn2 @2.0_0 orbit2 @2.12.0_0+darwin_7 orbit2 @2.12.1_0+darwin_7 (active) p0f @2.0.5_0 (active) p5-xml-parser @2.34_3 (active) pango @1.8.0_0 pango @1.8.1_0 (active) pcre @5.0_0 pcre @6.1_0 pcre @6.4_0 (active) perl5.8 @5.8.6_1 (active) php5 @5.0.4_0+apache2+darwin_7+macosx+mysql4 php5 @5.0.5_0+apache2+darwin_7+macosx+mysql4 (active) pkgconfig @0.15.0_4 pkgconfig @0.17.2_0 pkgconfig @0.17.2_1 pkgconfig @0.19_0 (active) popt @1.7_3 popt @1.7_4 (active) python24 @2.4.1_2 python24 @2.4.1_4 (active) readline @5.0.005_0 (active) render @0.8_1 render @0.8_2 (active) ruby @1.8.2_6 (active) scrollkeeper @0.3.14_0 (active) sleepnow @20040616_0 (active) sleuthkit @1.72_0 (active) socat @ (active) subversion @1.1.4_0 subversion @1.1.4_0+mod_dav_svn+python subversion @1.2.0_0+mod_dav_svn+tools subversion @1.2.1_0+mod_dav_svn+tools (active) swig @1.3.24_0 (active) tcl @8.4.9_0 (active) tcping @0.1_0 (active) teTeX @3.0_1 (active) texi2html @1.76_3 (active) texinfo @4.8_1 (active) tidy @20050705_0 tidy @20050920_0 (active) tiff @3.7.1_0 tiff @3.7.3_0 tiff @3.7.4_0 (active) tk @8.4.9_0 (active) ucspi-tcp @0.88_1 (active) vim @6.3.82_2+aqua+ncurses+python (active) wget @1.10.2_0 (active) wget @1.10_0 wget @1.9.1_0 Xft2 @2.1.6_0 (active) xrender @0.8.4_0 (active) zlib @1.2.2_1 zlib @1.2.3_0 (active)

I appreciate you looking into this. You guys rock!

Thanks a ton.

Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by blb@…

Owner: changed from darwinports-bugs@… to opendarwin@…

Assign to maintainer.

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by mww@…

Summary: ddrescue install fails on OS X 10.3.9 & DP 1.200BUG: ddrescue install fails on OS X 10.3.9 & DP 1.200

comment:3 Changed 19 years ago by markd@…

Cc: markd@… added

This app is just broken on 10.3, though it works on 10.4. There is a version 1.1 but it has the same problem. The workarounds on the gnu link didn't work fully for me.

comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by pipping@…

Milestone: Available Ports

comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by pipping@…

Milestone: Available PortsPort Bugs

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by nox@…

Cc: markd@… added; markd@… removed
Priority: ExpectedNormal
Summary: BUG: ddrescue install fails on OS X 10.3.9 & DP 1.200BUG: ddrescue install fails on OS X 10.3.9
Version: 1.0

comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Cc: raimue@… added
Owner: changed from opendarwin@… to ecronin@…

Assigning to current maintainers.

comment:8 Changed 17 years ago by ecronin (Eric Cronin)

works for me on

ProductName:    Mac OS X Server
ProductVersion: 10.3.9
BuildVersion:   7W98

with the current portfile and mp compiler defaults... Any other datapoints?

comment:9 Changed 17 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

I don't have Panther to test myself. But I think this ticket is just too old. And if it works for ecronin, close?

comment:10 Changed 17 years ago by ecronin (Eric Cronin)

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Sounds reasonable. Every element of the original ticket except 10.3.9 is several versions newer now so if it still fails, please file a new bug with the current failure.

comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by (none)

Milestone: Port Bugs

Milestone Port Bugs deleted

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