Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#6367 closed defect (fixed)

cannot install the port "daapd" with darwinports

Reported by: nico@… Owned by: yeled@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


I cannot install the port "daapd" with darwinports! It doesn't install on my PowerMac G5 nor my Mac mini and my PowerBook. port will abort the installation with the following message:

## begin error msg ## ---> Building daapd with target all Error: Target returned: shell command "cd "/opt/local/var/db/dports/build/ _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_dports_audio_daapd/work/ daapd-0.2.4" && make all" returned error 2 Command output: cd daaplib/src && make make[1]: `libdaaplib.a' is up to date. if test ! -e libhttpd/; then cd libhttpd && ./configure; fi cd libhttpd && make

--> [src] directory g++ -Wall -I../src -g -I../ -I/usr/local/include -D_OS_UNIX -c protocol.c select.h:40: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef int socklen_t' /usr/include/sys/socket.h:99: error: 'socklen_t' has a previous declaration as 'typedef darwin_socklen_t socklen_t' make[4]: * [protocol.o] Error 1 make[3]: * [all] Error 2 <-- [src] done g++ -Wall -Wno-multichar -DHOWL_ENABLE -L. -L./daaplib/src -L./libhttpd/src -L/opt/local/lib -o daapd daapd.o db.o dboutput.o songcache.o parsemp3.o util.o -ldaaplib -lhttpd-persistent -lid3tag - lz -lhowl -framework CoreFoundation -lpthread /usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lhttpd-persistent collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: * [daapd] Error 1

Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Status 1 encountered during processing. ## end error msg ##

my installed versions are:

  • Mac OS X 10.4.3 (build 8F46) / Darwin Kernel Version 8.3.0: Mon Oct 3 20:04:04 PDT 2005;


  • darwinports version 1.200
  • Apple Xcode 2.2 Tools / powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by blb@…

Owner: changed from darwinports-bugs@… to yeled@…

Assign to maintainer.

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by yeled@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In reply to comment #0)

--> [src] directory g++ -Wall -I../src -g -I../ -I/usr/local/include -D_OS_UNIX -c protocol.c select.h:40: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef int socklen_t' /usr/include/sys/socket.h:99: error: 'socklen_t' has a previous declaration as 'typedef darwin_socklen_t socklen_t' make[4]: * [protocol.o] Error 1 make[3]: * [all] Error 2

the problem here is in select.h line 40 or so

% sed -e 's/int socklen_t/uint32_t socklen_t/' libhttpd/src/select.h

19:39 backspace:~/daapd-0.2.4a% grep -irs darwin_socklen_t /usr/include /usr/include/i386/_types.h:typedef uint32_t darwin_socklen_t; /* socklen_t (duh) */ /usr/include/ppc/_types.h:typedef uint32_t darwin_socklen_t; /* socklen_t (duh) */ 19:39 backspace:~/daapd-0.2.4a%

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