Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#65315 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Use Github for issues

Reported by: gagarine (Simon) Owned by: admin@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: trac Version:
Keywords: Github Cc:


The code is already on Github on . Why not use also Github for issues?

Importing should not be that hard. For example this tools do a good job and can map user and trac property (like Milestone) with Github label.


  • Integration with code
  • Centralise activities on Github witch make the tools more visible.
  • Many people never used trac

I'm sure this was already discussed, but I was not able to find a similar issue.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 2 years ago by gagarine (Simon)

Summary: Use Github for issusUse Github for issues

comment:2 Changed 2 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Type: requestenhancement

Yes, this was discussed extensively when we migrated to GitHub, and a trial conversion of issues was even done, as mentioned here:

As far as I know, the problems that make GitHub issues unsuitable for our needs have not gone away.

comment:3 Changed 2 years ago by gagarine (Simon)

Hi, thanks for your reply and reference.

The list message you linked mentions two missing features in GitHub.

Custom field (to indicate the port name)

I guess the custom field is used for example to retrieve the issue related to a port on . And for notification?

For sure, tags do not works well for that case.

But what about the new feature custom issue forms? This allow to create template that have customisable web form fields. This can be used to create a "port name" field.

Orignal author cannot be preserved

The can do author mapping.

comment:4 in reply to:  3 Changed 2 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Replying to gagarine:

Custom field (to indicate the port name)

I guess the custom field is used for example to retrieve the issue related to a port on

Today that is one of the things it is used for. did not exist when we moved our code to GitHub and decided to keep our issues in Trac.

And for notification?

We currently have automatic notification for pull requests via a bot (provided that the port indicates a GitHub handle; not all have been updated to do so) but not for Trac tickets. Notification for Trac tickets happens when someone manually fills in the Cc or Owner fields.

But what about the new feature custom issue forms? This allow to create template that have customisable web form fields. This can be used to create a "port name" field.

Good to see they're adding custom fields. Looks like this feature is currently in beta. I did not see it in skimming that documentation: can one search on custom fields? That's what was missing before.

Orignal author cannot be preserved

The can do author mapping.

If that is now possible, that would solve one of our complaints. It was not possible before. My recollection was that for security reasons GitHub did not permit you to create issues that appeared to have been created by someone else.

We did not use an existing script to do our trial conversions back in 2016. I had investigated various existing scripts, found them all to be lacking in some way, and wrote my own script. It looks like trac-hub did exist back in 2016 so perhaps I did evaluate it and didn't like it, but I don't remember.

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