#65904 closed defect (duplicate)

qt5-qtbase doesn't find MacOS 12 sdk

Reported by: catap (Kirill A. Korinsky) Owned by: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: amake (Aaron Madlon-Kay), bestlem, wrohv
Port: qt5-qtbase

Description (last modified by catap (Kirill A. Korinsky))

sudo port -v configure qt5-qtbase fails on my laptop (macOS 12.6 21G115 x86_64 / Xcode 14.0 14A309) with errors:

--->  Configuring qt5-qtbase
Executing:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_catap_src_macports-ports_aqua_qt5/qt5-qtbase/work/qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.6" && ./configure -prefix /opt/local/libexec/qt5 -bindir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin -headerdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/include -libdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/lib -archdatadir /opt/local/libexec/qt5 -plugindir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/plugins -importdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/imports -qmldir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/qml -datadir /opt/local/libexec/qt5 -docdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/doc -translationdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/translations -sysconfdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/etc/xdg -examplesdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/examples -testsdir /opt/local/libexec/qt5/tests -hostdatadir /opt/local/libexec/qt5 -release -opensource -confirm-license -shared -accessibility -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-tds -platform macx-clang -optimize-size -no-testcocoon -no-gcov -force-pkg-config -system-zlib -no-mtdev -no-journald -no-syslog -system-libpng -system-libjpeg -system-freetype -system-harfbuzz -no-libproxy -system-pcre -glib -no-gtk -make libs -make tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -gui -widgets -no-rpath -verbose -cups -no-iconv -no-evdev -no-tslib -icu -no-fontconfig -strip -no-pch -no-ltcg -dbus-linked -no-use-gold-linker -no-separate-debug-info -no-xcb -no-eglfs -no-gbm -no-directfb -no-linuxfb -no-kms -no-libinput -no-system-proxies -no-feature-vulkan -framework -sdk macosx -no-libudev -no-egl -openssl-linked 
Creating qmake...
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'
Failed to resolve SDK path for 'macosx12'

when I applied a patch

diff --git a/aqua/qt5/Portfile b/aqua/qt5/Portfile
index a688998106b..fc6b32b2ccc 100644
--- a/aqua/qt5/Portfile
+++ b/aqua/qt5/Portfile
@@ -1183,9 +1183,9 @@ foreach {module module_info} [array get modules] {
             } else {
                 set sdks_dir ${configure.developer_dir}/SDKs
-            if { ![file exists ${sdks_dir}/MacOSX${configure.sdk_version}.sdk] } {
+#            if { ![file exists ${sdks_dir}/MacOSX${configure.sdk_version}.sdk] } {
-            }
+#            }
             # respect configure.sdk_version
             post-patch {

it was successfully build.

Change History (9)

comment:1 Changed 22 months ago by catap (Kirill A. Korinsky)

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 21 months ago by ddrum2000

So I've been using macports for a while but I'm by no means a power user. How would I apply a patch like this?

comment:3 Changed 21 months ago by amake (Aaron Madlon-Kay)

I am seeing this issue with

  • macOS 13.0 22A380 x86_64
  • Xcode 14.1 14B47b

comment:4 Changed 21 months ago by amake (Aaron Madlon-Kay)

Cc: amake added

comment:5 Changed 21 months ago by amake (Aaron Madlon-Kay)

The workaround also worked for me.

comment:6 in reply to:  5 Changed 21 months ago by johnjxw (John X. Jiang)

Replying to amake:

The workaround also worked for me.

Also worked for me. The same system except arm64

comment:7 Changed 21 months ago by bestlem

Cc: bestlem added

comment:8 Changed 21 months ago by wrohv

Cc: wrohv added

comment:9 Changed 21 months ago by kencu (Ken)

Resolution: duplicate
Status: assignedclosed

let's keep these all in one ticket:


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