Opened 18 months ago

Closed 18 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#66555 closed request (invalid)

Why MacPorts could consider to rename its ''master'' branch to **main**

Reported by: Zweihorn (@Zweihorn) Owned by:
Priority: Low Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.8.0
Keywords: Cc:



The MacPorts Project may consider to rename its master branch to main

For the rationale please refer to this news article:

  • - -

Why GitHub renamed its master branch to main

The GitHub master branch is no more. Developers used to think it was untouchable, but that's not the case. Here's why GitHub made the switch from master branch to main branch.

  • - -

Keep on the good work and prosper.

NB - Merry Christmas

Cheers, Zweihorn

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 18 months ago by Zweihorn (@Zweihorn)

Maybe @raimue should be aware of this.

comment:2 Changed 18 months ago by Zweihorn (@Zweihorn)

Priority: LowNormal

Priority changed to 'normal' after a 'low' start to not get lost, hopefully.

However, this may be of low priority and considered as a request for the MacPorts Future in general please.

Cheers, Zweihorn

comment:3 Changed 18 months ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The rename of the git branch has been suggested before, but many of the infrastructure scripts still depend on the "master" branch name.

Previous answer from Ryan:

Furthermore, renaming the branch in git would only be one thing. To take this seriously, there would be more changes needed, most prominently the master_sites option in Portfiles.

Unfortunately, I do not think this ticket will bring the issue forward. This ticket is phrased to consider a rename, but the problem is not that anyone has to take a decision, but it needs someone to execute it. I do not believe this could be coordinated over a single ticket, as it is a change spread over multiple repositories and servers. I am therefore closing this ticket, but I do not mean to dismiss the issue.

Please bring it up on the macports-dev mailing list instead, as first of all we need people willing to invest time into this transition.

comment:4 Changed 18 months ago by Zweihorn (@Zweihorn)


I am rather neutral on this and just wanted to learn of your deliberations (or not). You already fully met my expectations by this friendly reply and kind advice. What might have looked like a simple name change at first could bring MacPorts ports and update process into troubled water, apparently.

As the word 'master' should in no way be problematic itself the a.m. rationale from you is more than sufficient IMO.

Case closed. Conversation most appreciated.

comment:5 Changed 18 months ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Milestone: MacPorts Future

comment:6 Changed 18 months ago by Zweihorn (@Zweihorn)

Priority: NormalLow

OK and agreed and closed. --> Low priority.

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