Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#7194 closed defect (invalid)

inactive ports' versions are not listed accurately

Reported by: opendarwin@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: base Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


port list inactive shows the active ports, not the inactive ones.

gpb:/opt/local/var/db soren$ sudo port list inactive | grep postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8 postgresql8 @8.1.2 databases/postgresql8

gpb:/opt/local/var/db soren$ sudo port uninstall postgresql8 ---> The following versons of postgresql8 are currently installed: ---> postgresql8 8.0.3_3 ---> postgresql8 8.0.4_0 ---> postgresql8 8.0.4_2+darwin_8 ---> postgresql8 8.1.0_0+darwin_8 ---> postgresql8 8.1.1_0+darwin_8 ---> postgresql8 8.1.1_2+darwin_8 ---> postgresql8 8.1.2_1+darwin_8 (active)

Note: this is for DarwinPorts 1.2, but the Version selector in bugzilla only allows me to select 0.5 and 1.0. ("darwinports bugzilla thinks dports 1.0 is the latest version" filed as bug 7193.)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by jberry@…

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This is not a bug, though I agree it's a bit confusing.

Compare "port echo inactive" and "port list inactive".

Note that the echo command just prints the results discovered by the inactive pseudo-port, which is what you want. The list command lists the most recent version of the ports specified by the pseudo-port (or by whatever ports you specify) and thus in this case shows you all the most recent versions for each port.

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