Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#9046 closed defect (fixed)

Inkscape binaries are not stripped on Mac OS X 10.4 PPC

Reported by: dominique.marie@… Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.2
Keywords: Cc: dominique.marie@…


The Inkscape binaries are not stripped on my DarwinPorts instllation, thus taking a big amount of disk space:

[lionrouge:~] root # cd /opt/local/var/db/dports/software/inkscape/0.43_0/opt/local/bin [lionrouge:opt/local/bin] root # du -h *

98M inkscape 94M inkview

When stripped, the size of the binaries is reduced by a factor of 20 approx.

Hardware: PowerBook G4 1.33 GHz 12? Software: Mac OS X 10.4.6 (8I127), DarwinPorts 1.211 Default compiler: gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250) Ports installed:

DarwinPortsStartup @1.1_0 (active) Xft2 @2.1.7_0 (active) aalib @1.4rc5_2+x11 (active) apache2 @2.2.2_1 (active) apr @1.2.6_0 apr @1.2.7_0 (active) apr-util @1.2.6_0+openldap apr-util @1.2.7_0+openldap (active) atk @1.11.4_0 (active) bison @2.1_0 (active) bitstream-vera @1.10_0 (active) boehmgc @6.7_0+darwin_8 (active) bzip2 @1.0.3_0 (active) cairo @1.0.4_0 (active) coreutils @5.92_0 (active) cups-headers @1.1.15_0 (active) cyrus-sasl2 @2.1.21_0+sql (active) db4 @4.3.29_0+darwin_8+java (active) expat @2.0.0_1 (active) fondu @060102_0 (active) fontconfig @2.3.2_1+macosx+vera (active) fortune @4.6.2-RELEASE_6 (active) freetype @2.1.10_1+bytecode (active) gawk @3.1.5_1 (active) gconf @2.14.0_0 (active) gettext @0.14.5_1 (active) ghostscript @8.54_0+gslib (active) gimp-print @4.2.7_0 (active) glib1 @1.2.10_5 (active) glib2 @2.10.2_0 (active) glibmm @2.10.1_0 (active) gnome-icon-theme @2.14.2_0 (active) gnome-mime-data @2.4.2_0 (active) gnome-vfs @2.12.2_0 (active) gnupg @1.4.3_0+idea (active) gnutls @1.2.11_0+darwin_8 (active) gsed @4.1.5_0 (active) gtk1 @1.2.10_6 (active) gtk2 @2.8.17_0+darwin_8 (active) gtkmm @2.8.3_0 (active) hicolor-icon-theme @0.5_0 (active) inkscape @0.43_0 (active) intltool @0.34.2_0 (active) jpeg @6b_1 (active) lablgtk @1.2.7_0 (active) lcms @1.15_0 (active) libart_lgpl @2.3.17_0 (active) libbonobo @2.14.0_0 (active) libcompat @4.6.2-RELEASE_0+darwin_8 (active) libexif @0.6.12_0 (active) libgcrypt @1.2.2_0+darwin_8 (active) libglade2 @2.5.1_1 (active) libgnomecanvas @2.14.0_0 (active) libgnomecups @0.2.2_0 (active) libgnomeprint @2.12.1_0 (active) libgnomeprintui @2.12.1_0 (active) libgpg-error @1.1_0 (active) libiconv @1.10_1+darwin_8 (active) libidl @0.8.6_0 (active) libmikmod @3.2.0-beta2_0 (active) libmng @1.0.8_0 (active) libogg @1.1.3_0 (active) libpcap @0.9.4_0 (active) libpixman @0.1.6_0 (active) libpng @1.2.10_1 libpng @1.2.10_2+darwin_8 (active) libsdl @1.2.9_1+darwin_8 (active) libsdl-framework @1.2.9_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_gfx @2.0.13_2 (active) libsdl_gfx-framework @2.0.13_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_image @1.2.4_5 (active) libsdl_image-framework @1.2.4_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_mixer @1.2.6_4 (active) libsdl_mixer-framework @1.2.6_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_net @1.2.5_3 (active) libsdl_net-framework @1.2.5_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_sound @1.0.1_3+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_sound-framework @1.0.1_0+darwin_8 (active) libsdl_ttf @2.0.7_2 (active) libsdl_ttf-framework @2.0.7_0+darwin_8 (active) libsigcxx2 @2.0.17_0+darwin_8 (active) libtasn1 @0.3.4_0 (active) libtheora @1.0alpha5_0 (active) libvorbis @1.1.2_0 (active) libwmf @ (active) libxml2 @2.6.23_0 (active) libxslt @1.1.15_0 (active) loudmouth @1.0.1_0 (active) mldonkey @2.7.3_0 (active) neon @0.25.5_0 (active) nmap @4.03_1+gtk2 (active) ocaml @3.09.2_0 (active) opencdk @0.5.8_0 (active) openldap @2.2.28_0 (active) openssl @0.9.8a_0+darwin_8 openssl @0.9.8b_0+darwin_8 (active) orbit2 @2.14.0_0 (active) p5-xml-parser @2.34_3 (active) pango @1.12.2_0 (active) pcre @6.6_0 (active) perl5.8 @5.8.8_0+darwin_8+shared+threads (active) pkgconfig @0.20_0 (active) popt @1.10.4_1 (active) py-gobject @2.9.1_0 (active) py-gtk2 @2.8.6_0+glade (active) py-numeric @24.2_0+darwin_8+macosx (active) python24 @2.4.3_1+darwin_8 (active) render @0.9_0 (active) smpeg @0.4.4_6+darwin_8 (active) subversion @1.3.1_0+tools (active) teTeX @3.0_1 (active) texi2html @1.76_3 (active) texinfo @4.8_1 (active) tiff @3.8.0_0+darwin_8 (active) xrender @0.9.0_0+darwin_8 (active) zlib @1.2.3_0 (active)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by rhwood@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fix is in CVS, along with an upgrade to 0.44

in 0.44 stripping lead to the following changes: inkscape: 125MB -> 6.5MB inkview: 125MB -> 6.5MB

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