#35325 closed defect (fixed)
py-pyobjc2, py25-pyobjc, py26-pyobjc, py27-pyobjc fails to compile on Mountain Lion
Reported by: | wicentowski@… | Owned by: | macports-tickets@… |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | ports | Version: | 2.1.2 |
Keywords: | mountainlion | Cc: | tamyrvoll@…, glen.henshaw@…, sean@…, fracai, nickolas.fotopoulos@…, michelle.lynn.gill@…, rdotsch@…, keveting@…, rwc@…, antoniosmanousakis (Antonios Manousakis), jpanetta (Julian Panetta), dikshie@…, yongho.ha@…, mattb2696@…, jowens@…, dcnicholls, masato.onodera@…, eborisch (Eric A. Borisch), klus.petr@…, blaise.frederick@…, matt@…, cluoren@…, jbgoette (Jörg Götte), vincent.liegeois@…, ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), alex.neier@…, John-Whitlock@… |
Port: | py-pyobjc2, py25-pyobjc, py26-pyobjc, py27-pyobjc |
Using a clean install of Mountain Lion.
When I had been using MacPorts 2.1.99 compiled from svn sources, I had the same problem. I've now switched the .pkg installer for Mountain Lion (MacPort 2.1.2) and the problem persists.
Building the py27-pyobjc package produces many warnings and one fatal error:
:info:build Modules/objc/objc-runtime-compat.m:993:17: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'Object'; did you mean 'NSObject'? :info:build @implementation Object (NSOBjectCompat) :info:build ^~~~~~ :info:build NSObject
Here is the list of ports I currently have installed.
The following ports are currently installed: autoconf @2.69_0 (active) automake @1.12.2_0 (active) bison @2.6_0 (active) bzip2 @1.0.6_0 (active) cctools @822_2+llvm31 (active) cctools-headers @822_2 (active) compface @1.5.2_1 (active) db46 @4.6.21_6 (active) dyld-headers @195.6_1 (active) expat @2.1.0_0 (active) fftw-3 @3.3.2_0+gcc44 (active) fontconfig @2.9.0_1 (active) freetype @2.4.10_0 (active) fuse4x @0.9.1_0 (active) fuse4x-kext @0.9.1_0+universal (active) gcc44 @4.4.7_1 (active) gcc_select @0.1_6 (active) gdbm @1.10_2 (active) gettext @ (active) ghostscript @9.05_2 (active) glib2 @2.32.4_0 (active) gmp @5.0.4_1 (active) gnutls @2.12.19_0 (active) gperf @3.0.4_2 (active) groff @1.21_2 (active) gsed @4.2.1_2 (active) help2man @1.40.10_0 (active) jasper @1.900.1_9 (active) jbig2dec @0.11_1 (active) jbigkit @2.0_2 (active) jpeg @8d_0 (active) lcms2 @2.3_0 (active) ld64 @128.2_4+llvm31 (active) libedit @20120601-3.0_0 (active) libffi @3.0.11_0 (active) libgcrypt @1.5.0_0 (active) libgpg-error @1.10_0 (active) libiconv @1.14_0 (active) libidn @1.25_0 (active) libpaper @1.1.24_0 (active) libpng @1.4.12_0 (active) libtasn1 @2.11_0 (active) libtool @2.4.2_2 (active) libunwind-headers @30_4 (active) libxml2 @2.7.8_0 (active) llvm-3.1 @3.1_1 (active) llvm_select @0.2_0 (active) lzo2 @2.05_1 (active) m4 @1.4.16_0 (active) mpfr @3.1.0-p3_1 (active) ncurses @5.9_1 (active) netpbm @10.59.00_0 (active) nosetests_select @0.1_0 (active) openssl @1.0.1c_0 (active) p5.12-locale-gettext @1.50.0_7 (active) pcre @8.30_1 (active) perl5 @5.12.4_0+perl5_12 (active) perl5.12 @5.12.4_1 (active) pkgconfig @0.27_0 (active) psutils @p17_1 (active) py27-altgraph @0.9_0 (active) py27-bdist_mpkg @0.4.4_0 (active) py27-configobj @4.6.0_0 (active) py27-dateutil @1.5_1 (active) py27-distribute @0.6.28_0 (active) py27-macholib @1.4.3_0 (active) py27-modulegraph @0.9.1_0 (active) py27-nose @1.1.2_2 (active) py27-numpy @1.6.2_0 (active) py27-py2app @0.6.4_0 (active) py27-scipy @0.10.1_2+gcc44 (active) py27-tz @2012c_0 (active) python27 @2.7.3_0 (active) python_select @0.3_1 (active) readline @6.2.000_0 (active) sqlite3 @3.7.13_0 (active) sshfs @2.4_1 (active) stow @1.3.3_0 (active) SuiteSparse @4.0.0_0 (active) swig @2.0.7_0 (active) swig-python @2.0.7_0 (active) tcl @8.5.11_0 (active) texinfo @4.13_2 (active) tiff @3.9.5_0 (active) tk @8.5.11_0 (active) unrar @4.2.3_0 (active) wget @1.13.4_0+ssl (active) wordnet @3.0_3 (active) Xaw3d @1.6.2_0 (active) xbitmaps @1.1.1_0 (active) xemacs @21.4.22_4 (active) Xft2 @2.3.1_0 (active) xorg-bigreqsproto @1.1.2_0 (active) xorg-inputproto @2.2_0 (active) xorg-kbproto @1.0.6_0 (active) xorg-libice @1.0.8_0 (active) xorg-libpthread-stubs @0.3_0 (active) xorg-libsm @1.2.1_0 (active) xorg-libX11 @1.5.0_0 (active) xorg-libXau @1.0.7_0 (active) xorg-libXaw @1.0.11_0 (active) xorg-libxcb @1.8.1_2+python27 (active) xorg-libXdmcp @1.1.1_0 (active) xorg-libXext @1.3.1_0 (active) xorg-libXmu @1.1.1_0 (active) xorg-libXScrnSaver @1.2.2_0 (active) xorg-libXt @1.1.3_0 (active) xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0 (active) xorg-scrnsaverproto @1.2.2_0 (active) xorg-util-macros @1.17_0 (active) xorg-xcb-proto @1.7.1_0+python27 (active) xorg-xcmiscproto @1.2.2_0 (active) xorg-xextproto @7.2.1_0 (active) xorg-xf86bigfontproto @1.2.0_0 (active) xorg-xproto @7.0.23_0 (active) xorg-xtrans @1.2.7_0 (active) xpm @3.5.10_0 (active) xrender @0.9.7_0 (active) xz @5.0.4_0 (active) zlib @1.2.7_0 (active)
I'm attaching the complete log file.
Attachments (4)
Change History (42)
Changed 12 years ago by wicentowski@…
Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
Attachment: | py27-pyobjc.zip added |
comment:2 follow-up: 3 Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
I had this problem during the ML beta and narrowed it down to some changes made to <objc/Protocol.h> and <objc/Object.h>. For those with ADC memberships a thread discussing the problem can be found here:
I have patch I am using myself for now that I am attaching. You have to do all the Kung Fu making a local repository and that stuff by yourself.
comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
Replying to tamyrvoll@…:
I had this problem during the ML beta and narrowed it down to some changes made to <objc/Protocol.h> and <objc/Object.h>. For those with ADC memberships a thread discussing the problem can be found here:
I have patch I am using myself for now that I am attaching. You have to do all the Kung Fu making a local repository and that stuff by yourself.
Use the documentation found here:
comment:4 follow-up: 7 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Cc: | tamyrvoll@… added; wicentowski@… removed |
Port: | py27-pyobjc added |
Priority: | High → Normal |
tamyrvoll, please provide a unified diff of your changes instead of a complete new port directory. This will make it easier to evaluate your proposal. So far, it looks like you're overriding the previous patch that was in the portfile, which is probably not correct. Also, if py27-pyobjc is affected, I wouldn't be surprised if py26-pyobjc, py25-pyobjc and py-pyobjc are also affected.
comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by wicentowski@…
For what it's worth, I tried tamyrvoll's solution and it compiled. Since it was a dependency for another package and I'm not exactly how to test if pyobj actually works, I hesitate to say that this solution works. but it at least compiled and installed... which is marginally satisfying!
comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
Replying to ryandesign@…:
tamyrvoll, please provide a unified diff of your changes instead of a complete new port directory. This will make it easier to evaluate your proposal.
It wasn't really a proposal - more of a stopgap fix for those who wanted something working while waiting for a proper solution from the PyObjC developers. However, there seems to be little activity since about 2009, so for all I know the project is dead or in limbo.
At any rate I have cleaned up the Portfile as well as the source diff-file and resubmitted each. Note that the patch-Modules.diff should of course go into the files/ directory.
So far, it looks like you're overriding the previous patch that was in the portfile, which is probably not correct.
True. Fixed
Also, if py27-pyobjc is affected, I wouldn't be surprised if py26-pyobjc, py25-pyobjc and py-pyobjc are also affected.
I don't use these so I haven't tried to make them work.
Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
Attachment: | Portfile-py27-pyobjc.diff added |
Changed 12 years ago by tamyrvoll@…
Attachment: | patch-Modules.diff added |
comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by ned-deily (Ned Deily)
FYI, the pyobjc development repository has moved to Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/pyobjc/
comment:14 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Cc: | rdotsch@… keveting@… added |
Keywords: | mountainlion added |
comment:16 Changed 12 years ago by antoniosmanousakis (Antonios Manousakis)
Cc: | antonism@… added |
Cc Me!
comment:24 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Cc: | dcn@… added |
Has duplicate #35399.
comment:28 Changed 12 years ago by klus.petr@…
Sorry for being off-topic, but I am new to the trac - how does it usually take for issues like this to be resolved?
comment:32 follow-up: 38 Changed 12 years ago by eborisch (Eric A. Borisch)
Patch applied in r96076. Compiles aka "works for me"...
No revbump as no change to pre-ML behavior; ML wasn't compiling before.
Leaving ticket open for now as a location for comments if someone catches something right away...
comment:36 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:38 Changed 12 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)
Cc: | ryandesign@… alex.neier@… John-Whitlock@… added |
Port: | py-pyobjc2 py25-pyobjc py26-pyobjc added |
Summary: | py27-pyobjc fails to compile on Mountain Lion → py-pyobjc2, py25-pyobjc, py26-pyobjc, py27-pyobjc fails to compile on Mountain Lion |
Replying to eborisch@…:
Patch applied in r96076.
You only applied the patch to py27-pyobjc; you forgot to apply it to py26-pyobjc (#35613), py25-pyobjc and py-pyobjc2 which are also affected. Merged the patch to those version in r96478.
Log file from building py27-pyobjc