
Version 2 (modified by trac, 17 years ago) (diff)


Trac Ticket Queries

In addition to reports, Trac provides support for custom ticket queries, used to display lists of tickets meeting a specified set of criteria.

To configure and execute a custom query, switch to the View Tickets module from the navigation bar, and select the Custom Query link.


When you first go to the query page the default filters will display all open tickets, or if you're logged in it will display open tickets assigned to you. Current filters can be removed by clicking the button to the right with the minus sign on the label. New filters are added from the pulldown list in the bottom-right corner of the filters box. Filters with either a text box or a pulldown menu of options can be added multiple times to perform an or of the criteria.

You can use the fields just below the filters box to group the results based on a field, or display the full description for each ticket.

Once you've edited your filters click the Update button to refresh your results.

Clicking on one of the query results will take you to that ticket. You can navigate through the results by clicking the Next Ticket or Previous Ticket links just below the main menu bar, or click the Back to Query link to return to the query page.

You can safely edit any of the tickets and continue to navigate through the results using the Next/Previous/Back to Query links after saving your results. When you return to the query any tickets which was edited will be displayed with italicized text. If one of the tickets was edited such that it no longer matches the query criteria the text will also be greyed. Lastly, if a new ticket matching the query critera has been created, it will be shown in bold.

The query results can be refreshed and cleared of these status indicators by clicking the Update button again.

Saving Queries

While Trac does not yet allow saving a named query and somehow making it available in a navigable list, you can save references to queries in Wiki content, as described below.

You may want to save some queries so that you can come back to them later. You can do this by making a link to the query from any Wiki page.

[query:status=new|assigned|reopened&version=1.0 Active tickets against 1.0]

Which is displayed as:

Active tickets against 1.0

This uses a very simple query language to specify the criteria (see Query Language).

Alternatively, you can copy the query string of a query and paste that into the Wiki link, including the leading ? character:

[query:?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=owner Assigned tickets by owner]

Which is displayed as:

Assigned tickets by owner

Using the [[TicketQuery]] Macro

The [[TicketQuery]] macro lets you display lists of tickets matching certain criteria anywhere you can use WikiFormatting.



This is displayed as:

dependencies need to allow inclusion of variant
dependencies rebuilt unnecessarily
mysql 3.23.55 PortFile
patch to upgrade mysql dport from 3.23.52 to last production release 4.0.12
devel/jikespg 1.3 port
New port wmaker
mysql update
freetype should be updated to latest version, diff inline
can't mix and match distfiles and cvs fetch
viewcvs broken
add xslt variant to php4 dport
Not possible to list installed ports
Python 2.3 Portfile
Nmap version needs updating to 3.3
change of ownership for postfix
graphics/fontconfig doesn't build due to URL changes
glib2 needs gettext... listed as a dependency but not retrieved or installed
qpopper does not work on Panther
abiword creates symlinks outside of destroot
UPDATE: php4-4.3.2 - fix for postgres & apache variants
arts fails to install with a clean "sudo port install kdebase3" but installs fine on its own
X11 Variant of emacs fails to run under Mac OS 10.3.1
koffice fails to compile (10.2.8 with gcc 3.3)
BUG: glut 3.7 doesn't compile
kdenetwork3 build failure
kdeutils3 build failure
BUG: kdebase3-3.1.2/rev3 not respecting ${prefix}
"Xft2" package should require "fontconfig"
atk port won't install unless glib2 has already been installed
popt build fails with undefined symbols
Installation of gnumeric fails
kdebase3 lib problem / Darwin 7
gnome-panel needs libxml2
DP not following dependency information correctly (was: apr-util doesn't install db4's dependencies?)
NEW: blinkentools-2.6
koffice fails during configuration
pango build fails
BUG: gnome-desktop failed dependency - pango compile fails
koffice-1.2.90 configure failure
Please port rlwrap
kdebase3 fails to compile
NEW: firebird + few problem (install pkg)
UPDATE: lftp-3.0.0
NEW: sisc-1.8.7
UPDATE: spambnc-20040421
UPDATE: spambnc-20040421
UPDATE: spambnc-20040421
UPDATE: spambnc-20040421
NEW: libfwbuilder-1.0.2
KOffice doesn't install
"Timing" problem with preinstall actions?
uprev ettercap to NG-0.7.0
freetype won't build on 7.2.1 x86
gettext and gnupg cannot be installed together
BUG: kdelibs-3.1.2
NEW: DarwinPortVersion-1.0
racoon does not compile
update gnupg port to latest version.
unrar build fails on 10.3.5/gcc-3.3
glib2 build fails with undefined symbol wcslen
port list output doing funky things when piped
Possible race condition creating postgresql user
BUG: XFree86
fix location of initscript for sysutils/smartmontools
maybe delete or re-fetch files if checksum is incorrect
Scrollkeeper fails to build
BUG: ocaml fails on OpenDarwin/x86
BUG: dsniff 2.3
NEW: firefox-1.0
imapfilter port
BUG: mutt +imap-headercache fails
BUG: fortune -m does not work
BUG: fondu is installed without man pages
NEW: firefox
BUG: fortune fails to install on Tiger due to dependancy on libcompat which fails to compile
BUG: gimp2 doesn't configure on 10.4
RFC: gnome-games does not include aislerot
BUG: mysql4 install on tiger (OS 10.4) fails with errors
BUG: gtk2 - ports which depend on gtk fail to build
port generated gv pkg files overwrite system components in etc on install
UPDATE: perforce
port deps does not support variants
teTeX install puts supposedly system-wide fmt files under home directory
libsdl_mixer does not build with gcc 4.0
mutt-devel does not compile (parse error with wc-functions)
port -dv install libcompat fails with compile error
port -dv install fortune fails due to libcompat compile error
mysql 4 points toward non-existant file
netpbm build failure on Tiger
Error building qt3 on Tiger
BUG: port and libsigc++
BUG: gnuplot-4.0.0
NEW: freeciv 2.0.1
py-scipy fails to build on tiger
RFC: py-pyqt3 needs to depend on py-sip +qt3-mac
audiofile doesn't build
xmms doesn't compile
ettercap-ng 0.7.1 does not make properly on MacOS X 10.4 Darwinports 1.001
cyrus-sasl2 fails to compile with gcc 4.0
NEW: Portfile for pgAdmin3
libsdl_image won't build on Tiger
py-game does not install font, mixer, sndarray modules
gnome-vfs 2.10.1 crashed using Xcode 2.1
NEW :dialog-1.0
BUG: cyberduck 2.3.3_1 installed damaged executable
error building audiofile-0.2.6
hellanzb - Please verify and add to DP
PHP5/Libcrypt linking issues
NEW: firefox-1.0.4
UPDATE: rrdtool-1.0.49 -> 1.2.10
ettercap-ng still doesn't build correctly
Fail to build 1.011
BUG: apache2 won't start with php4
NEW: esdl-0.95.0630
mailsync installation fails
'port upgrade -a' should have an option to work recursively
Missing dvips in teTeX
patch.args do not support being overwritten inside variants
-t doesn't always get all the pipe data and/or sometimes deadlocks
python/py-py2app 0.2 update
UPDATE latest fondu with man pages
Compile problems.
Dia 0.94 does not install
gawk build error
gimp2 / gimp-print
port search fails on some port names
gnome-vfs fails to buld on Tiger as a dependency to planner
BUG: can't compile FFMpeg
freetds fails build on OSX 10.4 Tiger
honeyd fails to install on Tiger
gnome-vfs fails to build
no avr-libc port
[Port Abandoned]: unixODBC
libgnomeui build problem after 1.1 update
port install gnome breaks on gnome-vfs
gnome-vfs 2.12.0_0 fails to build
update to correct variant server and startup script bugs
BUG: Upgrade try to activate old openssl
BUG: fontconfig
UPDATE: bump gnome-python to a new version 2.12.1
BUG: gnome-vfs 2.12.0 fails to build
BUG: libgnomeprint fails on staging.
BUG: KDE will not build, says qt not compatable with kdelibs (both installed during build)
RFE: please bump ruby to version 1.8.3
BUG: librsvg install should update $prefix/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
graphics/graphviz needs ruby dependency
NEW: py-libdnet 1.10
Update xorg Portfile for Tiger
BUG: Extension building problems with Python distutils
BUG: dependency of libgnomeui gnome-keyring not resolved
graphiz does not build
libgnomeui seems to be missing dependencies (pango or gnome-keyring)
fortune install failed due to missing data base
emacs (+carbon) completion problem
RFE: Ruby 1.8.4 now available
BUG: libsdl-1.2.9 fails on 10.3 if Xcode 1.5/QuickTime 7.0.4
eel build fails
libiconv conflicts with the platform version producing many warnings
eel depends on the world, but has no dependents. why do I need it?
scrollkeeper not listed as a dependency for Planner
NEW: mozart-1.3.1
bad checksums in fortune port for some libraries
New version of the less utility is available (textproc/less)
Upgrades libtheora from 1.0 alpha 3 to 1.0 alpha 5
Upgrades libvorbis from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
BUG: upgrade libsdl 1.2.8_3 < 1.2.9_1 and libsdl_mixer 1.2.6_3 < 1.2.6_4 fail
UPDATE: p5-class-accessor to version 0.22
UPDATE: gnupg-
id3lib tar.gz isn't downloaded
BUG: clisp crashes (version 2.38_1)
slib-guile won't install

Just like the query: wiki links, the parameter of this macro expects a query string formatted according to the rules of the simple ticket query language.

A more compact representation without the ticket summaries is also available:

[[TicketQuery(version=1.0|2.0&resolution=duplicate, compact)]]

This is displayed as:

#127, #354, #398, #498, #594, #601, #612, #622, #634, #733, #736, #743, #746, #752, #787, #825, #916, #1030, #1088, #1112, #1134, #1203, #1207, #1213, #1216, #1230, #1231, #1259, #1291, #1309, #1319, #1355, #1373, #1396, #1471, #1494, #1559, #1587, #1593, #1605, #1620, #1638, #1664, #1702, #1707, #1792, #1793, #1794, #1795, #1865, #2009, #2043, #2059, #2070, #2078, #2085, #2168, #2175, #2192, #2219, #2234, #2295, #2332, #2337, #2391, #2409, #2447, #2471, #2491, #2502, #2522, #2652, #2675, #2773, #2844, #2968, #2986, #3012, #3040, #3044, #3050, #3058, #3085, #3086, #3091, #3097, #3135, #3151, #3153, #3154, #3155, #3156, #3166, #3167, #3178, #3196, #3201, #3210, #3214, #3229, #3271, #3326, #3378, #3440, #3453, #3597, #3617, #3698, #3728, #3775, #3842, #3880, #3928, #3954, #3955, #3987, #4038, #4065, #4066, #4200, #4314, #4434, #4452, #4466, #4525, #4597, #4650, #4666, #4704, #4792, #4818, #4896, #4955, #4965, #4995, #5026, #5034, #5091, #5106, #5302, #5372, #5434, #5466, #5470, #5510, #5537, #5543, #5549, #5595, #5741, #5945, #5958, #6117, #6131, #6173, #6244, #6346, #6349, #6370, #6533, #7026, #7028, #7043, #7061, #7119, #7159, #7192, #7229, #7230, #7271, #7524, #7730, #7807, #8343, #9837

Query Language

query: TracLinks and the [[TicketQuery]] macro both use a mini “query language” for specifying query filters. Basically, the filters are separate by ampersands (&). Each filter then consists of the ticket field name, an operator, and one or more values. More than one value are separated by a pipe (|), meaning that the filter matches any of the values.

The available operators are:

= the field content exactly matches the one of the values
~= the field content contains one or more of the values
^= the field content starts with one of the values
$= the field content ends with one of the values

All of these operators can also be negated:

!= the field content matches none of the values
!~= the field content does not contain any of the values
!^= the field content does not start with any of the values
!$= the field content does not end with any of the values

See also: TracTickets, TracReports, TracGuide