
Version 5 (modified by mkae (Marko Käning), 8 years ago) (diff)

change from MacPorts handle to GitHub identity


mk AT macports D.T org

Assigned Tickets

makeicns: homepage gone
kdenlive @0.9.10: error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous
icoutils @0.32.0: update to 0.32.2
kdenlive fails to build on High Sierra: spectrogram.cpp:244: 81: error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous
tig @2.2.2: update to 2.3.0
libalkimia fails to link lots of undefined symbols
mc (Midnight Commander) doesn't build on 10.13
Failed to build mc: command execution failed
error building Kmymoney4
mc @4.8.19: error: no member named 'st_atim' in 'struct stat'
icoutils was updated to 0.32.0
kmymoney4 @4.7.2_5: *** No rule to make target `/kmymoneysettings.h', needed by `kmymoney/dialogs/settings/CMakeFiles/settings_autogen'. Stop.
mc installs as root with root-only permissions under Sierra. So when mc runs as user, it can't save anything
icoutils @0.31.0: update to 0.31.1 [security]
kchmviewer: upgrade to v7.7 and Qt 5.6
py-pyqt* multiple Qt depspecs
marx @5.3.1_0: update to 5.3.2
VLC: fails to build on Sierra due to QtKit
opencv @3.1.0_6+python34: Portfile broken for variant +python34
scala2.12 @2.12.0: new port for scala 2.12
icoutils @0.31.0: Remove from maintainers
cmake portgroup version 1.1
tig @2.1.1_1: update to 2.2
syncthing-0.14 @0.14.7: update to 0.14.8
mc: update to 4.8.18
kmymoney4(-devel): currently fail to build due to qqpgpme
syncthing @0.14.7 new port
phonon-backend-gstreamer{,-qt5} : update to 4.9.0
py-pyqt5: fix DBus module build and pyversion conflicts, support multiple Qt5 ports
qt5.depends_component procedure
submission: phonon-backend-vlc with qt5 subport
mlt: qt5 subport
error: install Kdenlive on a mac osx El Capitan system due to expat
ktoblzcheck @1.47 failed to build - symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
makeicns does not build on Snow Leopard with libc++
QtCurve ports: updates for Qt5 and KF5
icoutils fails to build universal
provide an interface for ports to depend on Qt5 components
new (sub)port: dbusmenu-qt5
polkit-qt version update and qt5 subport
kdenlive @ 0.9.10: Processing of port kdenlive failed
port modifications required by making qt4-mac co-installable with Qt5
wxMaxima: update to 15.04.0
[NEW] kf5-attica
wxMaxima will not launch unless explicitly called with "open" command
proposed improvements to port:qt5-mac
port:aqbanking5 correction
gwenhywfar4 corrections
kmymoney4-devel: meinproc4 crashes with segmentation fault
charm-qt5 @ 1.8.0 : fails to build on SL and ML
tig @2.0.3 New version 2.1 available
Update port:rkward to version 0.6.3
port submission: extra-cmake-modules
qlandkartegt: upgrade to 1.8.1
charm-qt5 @ 1.8.0 : violates the ports-filesystem layout
kdenlive: DV module, QImage, Title module disabled
New Port: Vc 0.7.4
oxygen-icons 4.14.3 Unnecessary Dependencies
submission of the Charm time tracker for Qt4 or Qt5
phonon-backend-gstreamer update to 4.8.2 and qt5 support
QtCurve update with support for Qt5
co-installable qt4-mac and qt5-mac step2 : qt5-mac
port submission: Vc
port submission: libetonyek
port submission: libodfgen
kde4 1.1 PortGroup file adaptation to qt4-mac +concurrent
new port submission: kcm-baloo-advanced
kmymoney: Make port obsolete
py(25)-jenkins-job-builder - fails to build
libical build improvement
makeicns: Support for OSX 10.10
aqbanking5-gtk lists conflicting dependencies
qlandkartegt: upgrade to 1.7.7
[NEW] Cockatrice: a new port request, Portfile attached
kdenlive: update to 0.9.8
New: oxygen-gtk port (oxygen-gtk2)
kmymoney4-devel crashes at startup with KDE libraries version 4.12.5 installed
[RFE] krusader @2.0.0_1: Mavericks is unsupported platform
icoutils 0.31.0 submission
update wxMaxima to version 13.04.2
litecoind@ build error
MediathekView: Create an app package to improver usability
MediathekView: set supported_archs
litecoin fails to build on Mavericks
makeicns-1.4.10 build fails in Mavericks 10.9
kmymoney: command not found
makeicns: undefined type CGDirectPaletteRef on 10.9
libofx @0.9.9 patching file lib/ofx_preproc.cpp failed
Error: Processing of port kmymoney failed
kmymoney4 @4.6.3 rebuild error
scotch - upgrade to 5.1.12_esmumps
choqok: update to 1.4
request new port devel/qoauth w/ Portfile
litecoin doesn't respect prefix
Suggestion for an upgrade of scotch to 6.0.0
scotch build error, mpicc not found
abtransfers crashes if build in debug mode and called w/o DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug
frei0r-plugins: upgrade to version 1.4
upgrade kdelive to version 0.9.6
gwenhywfar: build error
kmymoney: error: field has incomplete type 'MyMoneyTransaction'
Building gwenhywfar4 fails with frameworks
skrooge @1.3.0 runtime error
kmymoney4-devel does not run on Lion 10.7.4
kmymoney4 does not build with Qt 4.8
Skrooge will not run in MacPorts
kmymoney is broken
KMyMoney4 crashes during startup
Midnight Commander & corrupted FTP directory listing
kmymoney4(-devel) can't find phonon 4.6.0 library
kmymoney4-devel @4.6-20120119_1 no ofx import
new portfile for RKWard
kmymoney4(-devel) will not show their homepage correctly due to klauncher issue
makeicns: simplify getting archflags
makeicns @1.4.9 fails to build on 10.4.11
Skrooge 0.9.991
kdesdk4: Umbrello not able to run
Skrooge - Cannot talk to klauncher
kmymoney4 starts with an error
change ktoblzcheck to use python2.7
kmymoney4(-devel) will not start when launched from finder
gwenhywfar4/aqbanking5: provide a gtk option
Skrooge 0.9.97
makicns fails to build on Lion
kmymoney4 @4.5.96 (kde, finance) Build failed due to namespace and other problems
skrooge: making doc fails
KmyMoney4 Ledger Drop Down Account Selection Menu Width.
makeicns: update to 1.4.3 pending
Skrooge 0.8.1
skrooge: new port
Checksum error for makeicns
Checksum error in makeicns
xfig 3.2.5: unable to import epsfile
kmymoney4 won't start
aqbanking5: port seems to replace aqbanking without problems
gwenhywfar4 failed to build
kmymoney4: oxygen icon theme cannot be found
Checksum error in makeicns
makeicns cannot compile i386 ppc on Mac OS X 10.4 PowerPC
makeicns should ensure it's UsingTheRightCompiler
kmymoney starter app
Add a KMyMoney 4 port
mc: 4.6.1 with utf8 variant

Reported Tickets

GitHub: port auto updater
MPBB: documentation update re git required
py27-pykde4: build failure (due to sip?)
qt4-mac-mariadb-plugin causes trouble during upgrade of KDE4 ports
VLC fails to build its +qt5 variant
py34-spyder-devel: "port info" doesn't reveal that the port has a qt5 variant
py-spyder: doesn't start
VLC: fails to build on Sierra due to QtKit
OpenSceneGraph: fails to build due to changes in jpeg port
py27-gtk: missing port
trac: mobile-friendly layout
Trac: link "Keywords:" label in ticket viewer and editor with the corresponding guideline wiki page
clang-3.4: build failure on El Capitan
Git + buildbot: post-commit-hook selecting which buildbots should be used for CI
GitHub: link to issues should not appear on organisation dashboard
trac: link under MacPorts logo should lead to
aqbanking5-svn: needs to be replaced by aqbanking5-git
trac: Provide search link to port file(s)
git: git-gui crashing
cmake portgroup version 1.1
trac: wiki page watches lost
trac: modifying existing ticket doesn't offer previously available functionality
trac: queries on wiki pages need manual updating for github usernames
kmymoney4(-devel): currently fail to build due to qqpgpme
kdepim4 @4.14.3_1: fails rebuilding due to latest qgpgme change
libconfuse @2.8: libconfuse.pc contains -R/opt/local/lib, causing build failure of bmon
litecoin: update to version fails
kdevelop @4.7.2: fails to build
akonadi @ build failure on ML
texlive-common @ 2015_0: installation fails
Xcode build hangs in configure phase on Yosemite
libkdeedu & kde4-runtime: qt4-mac upgrade causes problems for some KDE4 ports on Mavericks
autojump @22.2.4: ImportError: No module named autojump_argparse
[NEW] kf5-attica
libetonyek @0.1.2: build failure on Lion
clang-3.6 @3.6.1_1: incorrectly uses libunwind port if installed
libcaca @ 0.99.beta19: move all xorg deps into the x11 variant
gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good @ 1.4.5: trying to come up with an x11 variant fails
cmake: upgrade to 3.2.2
charm-qt5 @ 1.8.0 : fails to build on SL and ML
charm-qt5 @ 1.8.0 : violates the ports-filesystem layout
charm @ 1.8.0+ : Weird entries in charm's "Edit" menu
Cockatrice: fails to build for OSX<10.9
gstreamer1-gst-plugins-base @ 1.4.4_0: fails to build on Mavericks 10.9.5
QtCurve 1.8.18_0 fails to build on Snow Leopard
py(25)-jenkins-job-builder - fails to build
clang-3.5: fails to build on Mavericks
qt5-mac @5.3.1_0 : enable parallel builds
gettext @ update to 0.19.1 - avoid 0.19
kmymoney4-devel crashes at startup with KDE libraries version 4.12.5 installed
KDE: Fix missing objects files during compilation
tig @1.2.1_0 : update to 2.0.2
amarok @2.6.0_1: build failure
[RFE] krusader @2.0.0_1: Mavericks is unsupported platform
inkscape@0.48.4_28 fails to build using Xcode 5.1
litecoind@ build error
MediathekView: Create an app package to improver usability
gdal @ 1.10.1_2 - upgrade fails on Mavericks
minidlna: upgrade to latest version 1.1.1 fails
libdvdnav @4.2.0: upgrading from previous version fails
dbus@1.6.12: fails to build on Mavericks buildbot
Virtualbox @4.2.14: failed to determine Darwin version
litecoin fails to build on Mavericks
nepomuk-core fails to build
Installation of wxMaxima fails to install the correct gnuplot variant
maxima @5.28.0_7: update to 5.30.0
two ports (gputils and gnome-common) won't upgrade although being outdated
boost fails to install on Snow Leopard
litecoin doesn't respect prefix
Suggestion for an upgrade of scotch to 6.0.0
tests for scotch 6.0.0 are failing
Trouble uninstalling inactive ports due to py27-distribute dependencies
py27-hgevolve claims to enable itself in .hgrc in an incorrect way
arpack's openmpi variant conflicts with gcc45
gnome-keyring @2.30.3_6 can not be installed
abtransfers crashes if build in debug mode and called w/o DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug
wxWidgets 2.9: broken support for dead keys (in wxmaxima)
maxima has a problem with sbcl
metis version 5.1.0 can't be fetched
upgrade kdelive to version 0.9.6
gwenhywfar: build error
kde4-runtime needs a revbump due to upgraded jpeg port
x264 must specify its deps
strigi needs rebump due to ffmpeg update
qt4-mac and qt4-mac-sqlite3-plugin create trouble
py-dateutil: __init__.cpython-32.pyc already exists and does not belong to a registered port
py27-matplotlib +tkinter is broken
py27-pygtk: configure fails with automake 1.13: macro 'AM_CONFIG_HEADER' not found in library
boost: python27 variant should not be default variant if debug variant is selected
Soprano update fails on Lion buildbot
Need for a fix regarding mechanism for startupitem handling
gdb build failure
Building gwenhywfar4 fails with frameworks
Safari suddenly has problems editing existing tickets
liblzma can't be upgraded due to dep of kdelibs4
blitz' homepage expired
autojump's fetch fails
Update mercurial
Buildbots fail removing policykit's work dir while trying to test-build libgsf
kmymoney is broken
strigi is broken port
libdmtx is broken due to ImageMagick
kmymoney4(-devel) can't find phonon 4.6.0 library
mysql-connector-cpp examples can't be build
avahi upgrade fails
kdelibs4 upgrade to version 4.8.1 fails
Would be nice if py27-rbtools installed post-review instead of post-review-2.7
py-rbtools misses dependency to py-simplejson
py27-rbtools do not work
glib2 fails to build for kmymoney
kmymoney4(-devel) will not show their homepage correctly due to klauncher issue
dbus-devel doesn't build
Does openmpi also have a Lion issue?
kdebase4-runtime also needs update to 4.7.0
qt4-mac fails to build on Lion
MacPorts fails to open a portfile due to denied permissions
qt3 3.3.8 fails to build on Snow Leopard after latest modifications for Lion
makicns fails to build on Lion
kdelibs3 build fails on Lion after selfupdate and upgrade
adium port should be either updated, disabled or even dropped
debug variant of kdelibs4 port is not debuggable
kdelibs4 update to 4.6.4
skrooge: making doc fails
makeicns: update to 1.4.3 pending
klauncher once again causing trouble
kdelibs4 failed to build
qt4-mac crashes in QStyleSheetStyle
D-Bus call fails since upgrade to KDE 4.6.0
dbus portfile should make use of MacPorts' startupitem facility
libphonon not referenced by full path from libkhtml
rarian: ${prefix}/bin/bash can end up in scrollkeeper-config's shebang
aqbanking5: port seems to replace aqbanking without problems
kmymoney4: oxygen icon theme cannot be found
Suggestion for section 3.3 of MacPorts Guide
Suggesting a patch for kdelibs4
step by step port install causes error was "kdepimlibs4 fails to install"
kdelibs3: doesn't build with openssl 1.0.0a
Growl 1.1.4 - Doesn't build
kmymoney-1.0.5 : updated port file
kmymoney-1.0.4 : update port file
makeicns: new port
avidemux: Fails to build
fbg: Installation of port fbg fails
kmm_banking: fix for portfile
kmymoney : updated port file + starter .app
zlib 1.2.4_1: warning: "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS" is not defined
kdelibs3: kde-config creates ~/.kde directory
aqbanking: update to latest stable version
gwenhywfar: Update to latest stable version
bash-completion 1.1_4: seems to need dependency to port gsed
kmymoney-1.0.0 : update port to more current version of kmymoney
kmymoney-1.0.0 : Dependency to port kde is missing

CC'ed Tickets

port:qt5-qtmultimedia should conflict with port:openal{,-soft}
VLC: upgrade to 2.2.6 and FFmpeg 3
port:mlt{,-qt5} : backported upstream patch, OpenCV & SDL tweaks
py34-altgraph: No such file or directory: 'doc/_static'
port diagnose fails on symlink
port:audacity build fix (and upgrade for audacity-devel)
port:mlt/mlt-qt5 fixes
opencv build error on 10.9.5
poppler @0.51.0: error: use of undeclared identifier 'OPJ_CLRSPC_SRGB'; did you mean 'CLRSPC_SRGB'?
mention bot for GitHub PRs
screen @4.3.1_1: update to 4.6.1
shared-mime-info: support mpgk/mdmg packaging
fontconfig: support mpgk/mdmg packaging
New PortGroup for handling C++11
qt5-docs @5.6.2: Missing qt5 documentation
kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_8 conflicts with gpgme @1.8.0_1
kde4-kile wants to install macports texlive even though MacTex texlive is installed
py35-pyqt5 does not build with sip 4.19
py35-pyqt5 fail to build
qt5-qtquick1 : version, dependencies and deprecation comment
py27-pyqt5 @5.6_4 Configure error - build failure
qmake5 should change destroot.destdir (qmake PG idem)
Poppler 0.50.0 Undeclared Identifier
gpgme : upgrade to 1.8.0 and +qt5 variant
port select fails if invalid exists
cctools: otool -L fails with /opt/local/bin/llvm-objdump not found
kchmviewer: upgrade to v7.7 and Qt 5.6
py-pyqt* multiple Qt depspecs
py-pyqt5 @5.6_3+webengine does not build
poppler fails to install
qt5 applications not finding platforms plugins
qt5 @5.6.2_0: please re-enable builds on 10.7
libsdl2: build failure blocks ffmpeg @3.2 build on Leopard i386 nor PPC
Trac/Wiki: search form on Tickets page is broken
Quassel with qt5 cannot find sqlite
gstreamer1 - add replacement for sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) on Tiger
Trac: add support for syntax highlighting
buildbot: implement "successcache"
port selfupdate failure on macOS Sierra
port rev-upgrade stumbles over -weak_framework library dependencies
OpenCV on Mac OS Sierra failed to build
Attica fails to build - missing files from ECM
Cc field is getting corrupted by Trac-to-GitHub username conversion
qt5-qtwebkit fails to upgrade to 5.5.1_5 on Sierra
Building qt5-qtwebkit 5.5.1_5 fails in the configure stage when using Xcode 8
syncthing-0.14 @0.14.8: update to 0.14.9
qt5-qtbase build problem
Remove distfiles fallback
qt5-docs build error on Sierra
curl: poll() broken on Sierra
Installing libVLC fails at configure stage
qt5-qtwebengine: unknown class name 'CBCentralManagerDelegate'
py-pyqt5 @5.6: conflict between Python versions
KDEPIM4 and gpgme: header conflict
gpgme: install headers in a private location to avoid conflict and/or header confusion
kdepimlibs4 apparent conflict with gpgme
gpgme 1.7.0 fails to build when Qt5 is active
qt4-mac @4.8.7_4 fails to build on macOS Sierra as a universal package
opencv @3.1.0: fatal error: 'QTKit/QTKit.h' file not found
syncthing @0.14.7 new port
libproxy KDE variant modifications
qt5-qtbase does not configure on Mac OS X Sierra
10.12 SDK breaks qt5-qtconnectivity build
qt5 fails to build with Xcode 8 (due to removal of the deprecated xcrun executable)
mariadb: support for mpkg / mdmg
python27 fails with Sierra
wxWidgets-3.0: is not building in 10.12 Sierra beta due to missing QuickTime.h
python27 @2.7.12_1 fails to build +universal on Sierra; prevents installation of wine
go-1.4 @1.4.3_0: fatal error: MSpanList_Insert
perl5: build fails on Sierra (library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4)
Installation for digiKam fails at tagpropwidget.moc generation
mc 4.8.17 update
qt5: support older versions of OS X via different versions of Qt 5
QupZilla update to 2.0.1
perl5.22 @5.22.2: ld: unexpected token: !tapi-tbd-v2 file '/usr/lib/libgcc_s.10.4.tbd' for architecture x86_64
qt5 portgroup overwrites supported_archs, defines universal variant when one is not desired
py35-spyder-devel @3.0.0b2 +qt5 won't load after update to Qt5.6
qt4-mac fails to build with libressl 2.3.3
Dependencies fail to install because hostnames cannot be resolved because we've run out of file descriptors
qwt61 does not build for variant +qt5
port:opencv+qt4 uses Qt5 if both Qt4 and Qt5 are installed
VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0
ffmpeg: issues updating to version 3.0
OpenSceneGraph upgrade to 3.4.0 fails on El Capitan
simpler up-to-date qca Port allowing concurrent Qt4 and Qt5 installations
mlt upgrade
QtCurve ports: updates for Qt5 and KF5
Error: Processing of port qt4-mac failed
update: port:kde-extra-cmake-modules
icoutils @0.31.0_4: update to use perl5.22
gdb: "rootless" El Capitan prevents required edit of /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
qt5: some programs' tests try to delete /Applications
qt4-mac: qmake is in /opt/local/libexec/qt4/bin/qmake
SoX Resampling library
buildbot not attempting to build new revisions
quassel-client @0.12.2 fails to configure
Emails about committed Subversion revisions aren't getting sent to macports-changes@
qt4-mac: Update to 4.8.7_2 Breaks CMake
opencv @3.0.0 | ffmpeg-devel @20150916_x- error: use of undeclared identifier 'avcodec_free_frame'; did you mean 'avcodec_get_name'?
avidemux - Qt4 not found
sbcl fails to build on OS X 10.11
qt5-mac @5.4.2: error: declaration of anonymous struct must be a definition
New port: syncthing
zlib @1.2.8 Infected with iPhone WireLurker malware
opencv @3.0.0: error: use of undeclared identifier 'PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER'
Ports should require perl5.22 instead of 5.16
qt5-mac @5.4.2_1 staging into ${prefix}/libexec/qt5-mac
qt5-creator-mac needs update to 3.4.2
qt5-mac needs update to 5.5.0
qt5-mac is not UsingTheRightCompiler when building ninja bootstrap
The yosemite buildbot builder is offline
qt5-mac fails to install
dbus @1.8.16_0: activation fails because startupitem exists already
gmic @ port builds without opencv support
opencv @3.0.0 provides different library versions than opencv @2.4.11 did
opencv @3.0.0 fails to build if opencv @2.4.11 is active
Buildbot appears to be stuck
Request: Qt3D in qt5-mac
[NEW] boot2docker
gnuplot +qt5: build failure
Snow Leopard buildbot builder is offline since May 18
qt5-creator-mac @3.2.2 fails to build
opencv: malformed opencv.pc causes gstreamer1-gst-plugins-bad compilation to fail
port:gwenview update/enhancement
libkexiv2 @4.14.3: fix rotation matrix
port:exiv2 upgrade (also addresses a current crash)
libepoxy: wrong hardcoded libGL location
gnutar: update to 1.28
libjpeg-turbo @1.3.1_0: update to 1.4.0
port update: LibVNCServer
telepathy-qt: remove redundant Qt4-mac dependency
Qt build suite
qtscriptgenerator @0.2.0_0: build error (command execution failed)
tig @2.1 Configure error - command execution failed
(org.freedesktop.dbus-system[87816]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
kdepim4 @4.14.3 does not build under OSX 10.9
Okular can not open more than one document
Settings Theme Configuration not working
VirtualBox needs to be updated and dependencies need to be fixed
poppler: add Qt5 subport and optional test support.
gnutar doesn't work anymore.
digikam 4.8.0
Update: libktorrent 1.3.1
vcs_blackbox @1.20150203 New contribution
hs-sha @
qt4-mac: avoid zombie processes
Python script to generate dot (graphviz) file with ports des
submission of the Charm time tracker for Qt4 or Qt5
[MacPorts][2.3.3][hs-zip-archieve doesn't build]
eigen3 @3.2.3 header compilatin error
phonon-backend-gstreamer update to 4.8.2 and qt5 support
fail2ban goes idle on nighly logrotate
hs-blaze-builder @ configure failed: missing dependencies (text >=0.10 && <0.13)
digikam 4.6.0
kde4-baseapps @4.14.3_0: dolphin panels terminal cannot use
kde4 1.1 PortGroup file adaptation to qt4-mac +concurrent
qca and qca-ossl adaptations to qt4-mac +concurrent
co-installable qt4-mac and qt5-mac step1 : qt4-mac +concurrent
Checksum fails for Cockatrice
okular @4.13.3_0 Cannot open files directly from the command line
update to massif-visualizer 0.4.0
Digikam: Update to 4.3.0 or 4.4.0 or 4.50
openal-soft: update to 1.16.0
qt5-creator-mac @3.2.2_0 fails to build
New port: py-kde4
botan: missing from server-generated PortIndex
new port submission: kcm-baloo-advanced
cairo runtime messages/crash regarding obsolete CGFontGetGlyphPath
$PATH variable for kde apps doesn't contain opt/local/bin directory
botan: needs revision update for universal builds
kdiff3 update & enhancement
baloo: make baloo_file an "agent"
nepomuk-core: convert daemons to "agents"
qt5-mac: Build fails on Yosemite
[Port Abandoned] all ports maintained by mcalhoun
qt4-mac: prevent a crash when KDE apps use KMenu::addTitle
upgrade Digikam to 4.3.0 (needs work)
qt5-mac macdeployqt needs patch
kdepim4: fixes for menubar issues (1 fatal) in kmail
gnutls fails to build on ML buildbot (and probably others) due to missing stdnoreturn.h
cmake fails when a deployment target is set but not a matching SDK
QtCurve submission
kick - add new port
libical build improvement
Phonon can not be installed
Fix phonon cmake install
Update phonon to 4.7.2
patch to enable ktimetracker in kdepim4
kdelibs4: preventing a crash in the KWindowInfo::Private destructor
[NEW] suggestion for a new port kde4-workspace
qt5-mac: use the right compiler
qt5-mac: wrong pkg-config variables
qt5-mac: use SDK for 10.7 on Lion (not for 10.8)
qt: allow side by side installation of qt4-mac and qt5-mac
libffi @3.1 fails to build on 32-bit systems
git-core: obsolete, but asked for when fetching the sources via git
wxWidgets-3.0: upgrade to 3.0.1
qt4-mac does not currently build on OSX later than 10.9 'Mavericks'
New: oxygen-gtk port (oxygen-gtk2)
Macports install: keep repeating in .profile...
gnuplot: upgrade to 5.0
ld64 @236.3_1 build failure with g++-4.2 on OS X 10.6.8
asymptote: port abandoned
tiff @4.0.3 - build hang
texinfo: texi2dvi incompatible with bsdsed
MyPaint @1.1.0 - build failure: ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
update maxima to version 5.33.0
upgrade maxima to 5.30.0_4 from 5.30.0_3 fails
digikam: invalid port depspec 'path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo'
[NEW] docker
Can't build dbus with Macports 2.2.1 on Snow Leopard
dbus not building on 10.6.8. ‘O_CLOEXEC’ undeclared
qalculate-gtk fails build on Mavericks
cmake: use MacPorts libraries
qt4-mac: error: 'kCFProxyTypeKey' was not declared in this scope
binary nepomuk-core package corruption due to case-insensitive filesystem
Use modern tools for 'port pkg' on newer OS versions
cmake: upgrade to 3.0.0
Problems installing atlas
maxima upgrade fails after sbcl upgrade to 1.1.15_0
Installing Atlas Hangs
[pandoc]: configure step fails with "missing dependencies..."
qt4-mac: Undefined symbols _dbus_shutdown
Mavericks: Error: soprano requires the Java for Mac OS X development headers.
mysql5 @5.1.72: C compiler cannot create executables
port 2.2.1: Error: org.macports.archivefetch for port libiconv returned: Failed to fetch signature for archive: The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request
cmake @2.8.12: hardcoded /opt/local
gtk3 fails to configure on mavericks
bison: update to 3.0.2
poxml @4.11.2 (kde, kde4) build failure on OSX 10.9 on x86-64, also blocks kdesdk4 build
kdesvn does not build on OSX 10.9 on x86_64
mythtv-core.27 fails to build on Mavericks
kdelibs4: meinproc4 crashed
cmake: invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ (requires OS X 10.7 or later)
qt4-mac: Warning about libstdc++ after installation ( r113176 does not work for me )
maxima-5.30.0_0 `no-xmaxima.patch` fails to apply
thrift: error: no member named 'bind' in namespace 'std'
valgrind @3.9.0 fails to build on OS X 10.6.8
kdelibs3 @3.5.10: error: member access into incomplete type 'ipp_t' (aka '_ipp_s')
IPE building problem
makeicns: error: use of undeclared identifier 'CGDirectPaletteRef'
asymptote: fatal error: 'ext/slist' file not found
botan fails to build
cmake configure failure (subdirectories with symlinks?)
virtualbox and sub-ports: update to 4.3
wxWidgets-3.0: upgrade to 3.0.0-RC1
wxPython: upgrade to
ktorrent4 @4.2.0_2 build error
convert ports.php and PortIndex2MySQL to PostgreSQL
logrotate @3.8.6_2 enhance startup item for hourly directive
log4cxx @0.10.0: Undefined local symbol L318
libquvi @0.9.2: destroot failure
kmymoney4: Conflicting ports qt4-mac/qt3
DNS warning updating outdated
boost @1.54.0 fails to upgrade
kdenlive fails to start
Ports with a no_x11 variant should be changed to use x11
scotch build error, mpicc not found
OpenSceneGraph @3.0.1 Runtime error - infinite recursion on sinf
kdelibs3: Undefined symbols: "QPtrList<DCOPClientTransaction>::deleteItem(void*)", referenced from: vtable for QPtrList<DCOPClientTransaction> in libDCOP.4.2.0.dylib-master.o
boost: Support compilation of boost-1.53 with clang and libc++
Maxima .28.0_3 +printable_doc does not build on 10.8
frei0r-plugins: upgrade to version 1.4
maxima @5.28.0_3+xmaxima binary package is inevitably obsolete
libiodbc @3.52.8: Make the gui into a variant
kdepim4-runtime and kdepim4: update to 4.10.1
Categories for KMyMoney4
Change default compiler variant from +gcc45 to +gcc47
RFE: add a "depends_test" type of dependency
kdelibs3 won't build because of wrong autoconf version
graphite2 fails to build with libc++
x264 @20130105: needs revbump after ffmpeg upgrade
kmymoney4 @4.6.3_0: build failure on OS X 10.8
kde4-runtime: 4.9.5 fails to build with gcc
py27-matplotlib +tkinter is broken
mysql5 @5.1.66 is out of date
strigi 0.7.7 fails to build
qt4-mac: menu item enabling/disabling breaks
kdelibs4: Automatic refreshment of kde cache
dbus: update to 1.6.8
akonadi: upgrade to 1.8.0
soprano: upgrade to 2.8.0
gnucash @2.4.11_1 build failure -libpng14
qt3: build fails with libpng 1.5
linphone port is outdated
opencv @2.4.2 +universal configure failure: command execution failed
kdepim4: Parse error at "BOOST_JOIN"
qt4-mac: Broken links
KDE 4.8.5
kdelibs3: Unable to find automake / aclocal
Wine missing dependencies for gst-plugins-base gnome-vfs gconf gtk2 librsvg libgsf
qt4-mac +debug @4.7.4 Fails with Xcode 4.3.2
kdelibs4 @4.8.2_0 __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY not defined in <prefix>/include/kdemacros.h
doxygen: upgrade to 1.8.1
kdelibs4: Building with Clang 3.2 fails
dbus: uses startupitem.install, which fails on MacPorts < 2.1
libcdio 0.83 misses osx driver in Lion and possibly Snow Leopard
qt4-mac doesn't build on mac os 10.6.8 (snow leopard)
archive contents can't be extracted when tar is gnutar
kontact don't work
base: add a default +debug and +no_opt variant
request: kde-workspace
docbook-xml-4.1.2: tar: +CONTENTS: Not found in archive
gnuplot: update to 4.6.0
kdelibs4: conflicts with kde4-runtime on nepomuk/resourcewatcher.h
kdelibs4 fails to build when libxslt.dylib is a broken link
Check "svn info" exit status instead of existence of ".svn" directory
Change default gfortran/gcj dependency from gcc44 to gcc45
port new actions: active, inactive
qt4-mac: wrong pkg-config cflags
new portfile for RKWard
Add Lion buildbot
pkgconfig runtime crashes
pythonNN: Move openssl support/dep to a (non-default) variant
glib2, glib2-devel: build fails when pkgconfig is not installed
virtuoso: Waiting virtuoso start on port 1111...
Upgrade of gnucash+no_x11 fails
qt4-mac @4.7.4_0+debug+quartz fails to leave debug symbols in the resulting shared libraries
phonon update to 4.5.0
kdeinit4 broken after upgrade
prebuilt packages don't honour non-default applications_dir settings
virtuoso @6.1.3 is not UsingTheRightCompiler
gdb 7.3 segfaults when trying to load symbols
update raptor raptor2 rasqal soprano redland
When trying to build kmymoney4 it hangs on virtuoso
Skrooge 0.9.1
kdelibs4 build error on lion
kdegames4 tries to use non-standard OpenAL framework
KDE programs not starting (KDE 4.7.0)
digikam @2.0.0 updated portfile
marble does not install cmake file
update kdepim4: add dependency for kdepim4-runtime
kdepim update to 4.7.0
iguanaIR @1.0pre2: fix for Ticket #29473
kdelibs4 @4.7.0 build failure
Update kdegraphics4 to 4.7.0
Redefinition error in kdebase4-runtime
phonon @4.4.2 compile error on 10.7 with qt4-mac-devel @4.8.0
qt3 @3.3.8_11 (upgrading from @3.3.8_10) build fails on 10.5.8, ranlib gets Permission Denied
qt4-mac: trouble with libqcorewlanbearer.dylib (OS X 10.7)
qt4-mac: fails to find dbus when using clang
mass change depends port:dbus to path:bin/dbus-daemon:dbus
meinproc4 segfaults at end of build
soprano fails to build with raptor2
kdepimlibs4: configure fails to find Nepomuk
dbus links with dbus-glib, fails to build when it has different archs
kdesdk4 fails to upgrade: "poxml/GettextParser.cpp:1: error: 'er' has not been declared"
rsync @3.0.7, Revision 1 - Mac OS X and HFS+ enhancements
tortoisehg: add launcher icon and gui ssh-askpass
Skrooge 0.9.0
qt4-mac generates Debug objects although debug-variant is not selected
Failed to start message bus: launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted
Skrooge 0.8.94
Skrooge 0.8.93
Skrooge 0.8.92
qt4-mac dependents on 10.7 - qglobal.h:93:6: error: #error "This version of Mac OS X is unsupported"
Skrooge 0.8.91
Upgrade Qt to 4.7.2
atlas: undefined symbols _ATL_DecAtomicCount
gobject-introspection @0.9.12 fails to build on 10.4
atk @1.33.6 fails to build
kdepimlibs4 @4.6.0 - build failure
QiII 1.07 functional programming language developed by Dr Mark Tarver
gst-rtsp-server: new port providingtreaming media server on top of GStreamer
svg2pdf update
dbus: update to 1.4.1
DBUS reports Failed to start message bus: launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted when dbus-daemon --session is run on MacOSX 10.6.5
Update drupal ports for security reasons
kdelibs4 unable to find phonon
kdelibs4 failed to build
kdelibs4 fails to build with older qt in /Library/Frameworks
gwenhywfar4 failed to build
qt4-mac installs its applications into ${prefix}/bin
qt4-mac configure segmentation fault when building i386
KDE4 apps ceased working after qt4-mac upgrade, and after a while configure would not find cmake and qmake
cmake 2.8.2_3 fails to build after Java Update
kdelibs4 @4.4.5 Build failure
procfs 2.0: create startup item
unzip @6.0 Add variants "iconv" -- to convert filename encoding to current locale
kdelibs4 @4.4.5 - Build Failure
mit-scheme port fails with permission denied error
KDE 4.5.2
kdelibs4 undefined symbols "_png_set_longjmp_fn"
klauncher does not work?
Cannot launch kmymoney2 - dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.7.dylib
Add a Quartz graphical device and GUI to R
fbg: Installation of port fbg fails
kmymoney starter app
Update arm-rtems-binutils and arm-rtems-gcc
zlib 1.2.4 causes build failures because off64_t is not defined on Mac OS X
kio_http seg faults when attempting ssl connection
Deactivating a port should automatically unload daemons
kde4-ANY Crippled sound without QuickTime addons
kdeinit4 crashes on 10.6
DBUS reports Failed to start message bus: launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted when dbus-daemon --session is run on snow leopord
avidemux-2.4.4 x86-64 build failure
growl 1.1.4 failed to build on snow leopard

This is the KDE bug causing the .kde folder to have root ownership. (It had been still present in KDE4 versions before 4.6 at ~/Library/Preferences/KDE...)